Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
Proverbs 3:4-5

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

I am 60 years old today. SIXTY YEARS OLD, WOW! Last night I told Alf, "Well, I guess this is a night like no other, I will go to bed as some one in middle age and wake up as an elderly woman." Alf (No comment) This morning he said, "Good morning, dear, you don't look like you've changed any since last night." I don't know if that is good or bad? You know that the yearning of this woman's heart is for her husband to say, "My dear, you never grow older in my eyes. I married a beautiful woman and you are just as beautiful. When I look at you, I feel the same overwhelming love and passion that I felt when I fell in love with you and I am more in love with you than ever!" However...... I had an "I love you" balloon waiting for me at school today, along with cupcakes to share with my class. The card he gave me tonight said, You're the woman of my dreams (although I may not often say it). I'm filled with admiration (even when I don't dispay it)! I treasure all you do for me (though I may seldom show it). I LOVE YOU! and your birthday is the perfect time for making sure you know it! That was pretty close to the script I would have written. Sigh!!!!!! I also received cards and gifts from my sons, daughters-in-love, and grandchildren, and sweet friends at school and church. I had greetings from 29 people on facebook (friends and family) and I had greetings from my Mama and all but one of my siblings. How blessed am I? I am blessed to the MAX and so thankful to have lived these 60 awesome years!

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