Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
Proverbs 3:4-5

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ashlyn cheers and February sibling birthdays

Ashlyn in front third from the left.

Holly, Jerry, and Me
Today was a fun filled Saturday. Activities started with watching Ashlyn cheer at the Upwards basketball game. She and her squad put on an impressive performance at half time and throughout the game. Upwards is a Christian based basketball league and the cheerleaders cheer for both teams. There seemed to be a lot of fun and enjoyment going on for all children involved.

My brother, Jerry and his wife Gail, came to Mom and Dad's so we could celebrate February birthdays, enjoy lunch and visiting. We ended up enjoying dinner together, too. It's interesting that our folks had three February babies. I am the oldest, born February 8, Jerry is next, born February 9, and Holly is the baby, born February 19. We have another brother Steve, born in August, 18 months after me, then Jerry, born 18 months after Steve, then Robin 4 years later, born in September, then Holly, eight years after Robin. I never remember being an only child. It always seemed that Steve, Jerry, and I were first children, being so close in age. Holly (I was 16 when she was born) has always been like a daughter and a best friend rolled into one and so special. All of our siblings are special in their own way and I am so thankful to have them in my life and recall, with fondness, the memories we made growing up together.

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