Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
Proverbs 3:4-5

Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekend trip. Spring has sprung!

My hero!

First signs of spring! Beautiful!

First forsythia bloom!

Just had to bring spring indoors.
Last weekend my mom, dad, sister and I went on a road trip to Louisville, Kentucky. The occasion was to attend a wedding and visit with my dad's brother and his wife and several of our cousins. I left behind, my husband, who had taken on the responsibility of babysitting for our youngest son's children as they were leaving for the weekend as well. He willingly, without hesitation, took on that responsibility! He also took our grands to church and taught my Sunday school class for me! He is definitely my hero! He has been the most awesome grandpa from the moment our first grandchild was born but I am so touched that he goes that extra mile when I want to go somewhere or do something! Surely do love that guy!

Today, as I looked out my kitchen window at the cloudy skies, I was thrilled to see my daffodils blooming and buds on the forsythia. I couldn't resist running outside, between showers, taking a few pictures and cutting some flowers and branches for inside. This is truly a wondrous time of year! This environment the Lord has created for us to enjoy is glorious and I feel so blessed!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cloudy, but warm day. Let's play!

Cloudy, but warm, day

Gathering seeds and leaves.

Seed, leave, and wild onion pie. Yum!

A little swing time.

A few rocks and a little sand to finish the pie.

Time for a little hay roll jumping!

The boys jump, too!

40 + hay rolls

Hurray! We all made it!
Since today was President's Day, Ashlyn was out of school, so she, Jax and Grey enjoyed the outdoors. Noah joined them after school and they all enjoyed their favorite activity, hay roll jumping. Paw Paw got that started when he took the girls on "an adventure" a few weeks ago. The boys decided they wanted to try it today. Everyone seemed to have a great time! A few rain drops sent us scrambling for the truck bed as Paw Paw drove slowly across the field toward home. What fun!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, Holly (Great)! Let's skate!

Great and Ashlyn ready to skate!

Great's birthday skate! She's still got it!

Noah on the fly!

Ashlyn's got it!

Ashlyn helping Paw Paw! Just kidding!
Today is Holly's (Great to some) birthday. She is my baby sister, born when I was sixteen and I claimed her for my own. She was like my daughter as a child and I always thought God gave me two sons because my daughter love has been wrapped up in her. The coolest thing is that she is daughter, sister, and precious friend all rolled into one. What a blessing she is to our family! She joined us at the skating rink when we took the girls , Noah and Ashlyn, skating today. She's done a lot of skating as a teen and is still good at it. Noah can fly on skates and Ashlyn is improving by leaps and bounds. Paw Paw is the girls protector on the skate floor and is responsible for teaching them how to skate. He has done an exceptional job.

The girls spent the day with us and Grey and Jax spent the day together at Josh and Jen's. We have Ashlyn and Jax as overnight guests while Josh and Jen celebrate a late Valentine's night out. Well, it's about bed time so I'm signing off. What a great day!

Holly, hope you have many, many more happy birthdays! I surely do love you, baby girl!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day from my mister!

Celebration with our grands!

Jax, Ashlyn, Noah, and Grey ready to celebrate!
We had a very happy Valentines Day! Alf surprised me with roses and a stuffed bear first thing this morning. Jax and Grey had a great play day! It was fun seeing the girls so excited about their day at school and all the valentine goings on. We had a little celebration of our own as you can see.

We know that God is love and Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so. With this in mind, we share love every day because we know how blessed we are to be loved by family, by friends, but, most importantly, by the One who loved enough to sacrifice Himself. I give thanks for that sacrifice and pray daily to remember in gratitude and share That Love with others. Happy Valentines Day and God bless!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

we interrupt grand keepsakes for a "great" invasion...

pianist :)

grey in the stone toy pot :)

headed to "rogersville" yesterday afternoon to get my hair brightened by the sister and was blessed to spend some sweet time with a couple of my "greats". took a couple pics with the phone, they're very dark but i had to get them on here, too cute and the minutes too precious. the hair is a little brighter but the heart is a whole lot lighter...there were animals made from homemade playdough, (later destroyed by a mischievous, sparkly eyed little boy), apples and caramel shared freely, grey-play on the computer and checking out his and noah's computer paint program art, a personal tour of noah's art book (she's quite the artist!) and singing to her piano playing of "pretty little horses" (and a Christmas carol thrown in for good measure!). in the middle of the fun, gail managed to highlight my hair, thanks for that :) and for sharing two of your precious "grand keepsakes". love you and yours.
-holly aka "great"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

I am 60 years old today. SIXTY YEARS OLD, WOW! Last night I told Alf, "Well, I guess this is a night like no other, I will go to bed as some one in middle age and wake up as an elderly woman." Alf (No comment) This morning he said, "Good morning, dear, you don't look like you've changed any since last night." I don't know if that is good or bad? You know that the yearning of this woman's heart is for her husband to say, "My dear, you never grow older in my eyes. I married a beautiful woman and you are just as beautiful. When I look at you, I feel the same overwhelming love and passion that I felt when I fell in love with you and I am more in love with you than ever!" However...... I had an "I love you" balloon waiting for me at school today, along with cupcakes to share with my class. The card he gave me tonight said, You're the woman of my dreams (although I may not often say it). I'm filled with admiration (even when I don't dispay it)! I treasure all you do for me (though I may seldom show it). I LOVE YOU! and your birthday is the perfect time for making sure you know it! That was pretty close to the script I would have written. Sigh!!!!!! I also received cards and gifts from my sons, daughters-in-love, and grandchildren, and sweet friends at school and church. I had greetings from 29 people on facebook (friends and family) and I had greetings from my Mama and all but one of my siblings. How blessed am I? I am blessed to the MAX and so thankful to have lived these 60 awesome years!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ashlyn cheers and February sibling birthdays

Ashlyn in front third from the left.

Holly, Jerry, and Me
Today was a fun filled Saturday. Activities started with watching Ashlyn cheer at the Upwards basketball game. She and her squad put on an impressive performance at half time and throughout the game. Upwards is a Christian based basketball league and the cheerleaders cheer for both teams. There seemed to be a lot of fun and enjoyment going on for all children involved.

My brother, Jerry and his wife Gail, came to Mom and Dad's so we could celebrate February birthdays, enjoy lunch and visiting. We ended up enjoying dinner together, too. It's interesting that our folks had three February babies. I am the oldest, born February 8, Jerry is next, born February 9, and Holly is the baby, born February 19. We have another brother Steve, born in August, 18 months after me, then Jerry, born 18 months after Steve, then Robin 4 years later, born in September, then Holly, eight years after Robin. I never remember being an only child. It always seemed that Steve, Jerry, and I were first children, being so close in age. Holly (I was 16 when she was born) has always been like a daughter and a best friend rolled into one and so special. All of our siblings are special in their own way and I am so thankful to have them in my life and recall, with fondness, the memories we made growing up together.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Brrrrrrr! Early Spring?

Spring like weather this past weekend.

Two beauties couldn't resist playing on the hay.

Hi! How do you like our ground hog cupcakes?

Four little ground hogs in all.
The past weekend gave us a taste of spring with great weather! Noah and Ashlyn went roller skating with Paw Paw, then came back to the house to play. The girls and I went on a hike down to and around the pond and when we got close to the house, they couldn't resist playing on the hay rolls. They always seem to have such a good time together.

Today was Ground Hog's Day and I think he forecasted an early spring. Looking at the sun shining and the blue skies outside today, one might think we had another spring like day. Wrong! The wind was so cold it took our breath away. The grands and I did celebrate the day with ground hog cupcakes that they decorated. I think they all did a great job! Then they ate their ground hogs, of course.