Noah, finishing up her valentines. |
Grey, working hard on his name tags for Valentine's Day. |
Noah dressed up like Paw Paw. |
Would the real Paw Paw please stand up? |
Grey just had to dress up, too! He said, "I'm Noah!" |
Noah and Grey have been here for the last few days. We decided to do something constructive. They decided to make their own valentines. Noah's were pretty involved with gluing three heart shapes together and putting a piece of candy in each one. Grey glued hearts on squares and glued his name heart on the back. They each typed their names to glue on the back, yes, Grey typed his, too. after being shown the right letters a few times. Grey and I did make a run to the Dollar Tree and Kmart to get small containers, heart stickers, and M&Ms to complete his valentine project. They both did a great job! Noah made 26 valentines and Grey made 21.
Noah disappeared into our bedroom and emerged as Paw Paw. She then stood beside him and said, "Can you tell us apart?" Very funny, Noah. (Quite cute, actually.) Grey was not to be outdone and grabbed Noah's coat, her water bottle, and a book to be Noah's look alike! I am so proud of their creativity and sense of humor! There is never a dull moment around here!
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