Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
Proverbs 3:4-5

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jax!

Five years ago, today, our little dynamo was born. Jaxson Spencer Rogers , our Jax, is a bundle of talkative energy with a huge, loving nature and a captivating smile. He is so generous with hugs and "I love yous" that he wins the heart of everyone who gets to know him. He and his cousin, Grey, made cupcakes for his preschool party today and they were a hit. Chocolate on choclate with a glass of milk made a yummy celebration snack! Tomorrow, he will have his official celebration, but, when Jax is around, every day is a celebration! Jaxie, your Mama, (Jen), Daddy (Josh), Ashlyn and everyone in your family loves you soooooo much. You bless our lives and we are so thankful for you!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! (Nana, Mamie and Paw Paw, Poppy)

Almost the whole Rogers clan gathered today at Cracker Barrel in Manchester to celebrate Mom and Dad's 61st anniversary. Alf and I, Josh, Jen, Ashlyn and Jax, Jarrod, Blair, Noah and Grey, Jeff, Amanda, Becca, and Jonathan were there to celebrate this wonderful event!The food was delicious, as usual, but the company was definitely the best! What a blessing Mom and Dad continue to be to all of our lives and we are so thankful to be able to gather for such a grand occasion! You are loved and appreciated, Mom and Dad, more than words can express!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

One week into the New Year!

As I look back on the first week of the New Year, I have several expectations of myself to make this year a blessed one, not only for me, but for those loved ones and friends around me. One of my goals was inspired by the journal page given to me by my precious sister-in-love, Vicki. It states, "To be seen is the beginning of love." I want to truly look at those I love and see them, not through any pre-conceived idea of where they are coming from, but through true, unconditional eyes of love. The second goal I have for myself, is to live each day in a spirit of thankfulness. When our family gathers around our dining table, my heart is always filled with gratitude for each one present and the bounty of blessings that are ours. My heart is so full during those moments and I want my life to reflect gratitude in every moment. May the Lord help me reach these goals, the true desires of my heart

Saturday, January 7, 2012

More Christmas Pictures

Aunt Jeanette and Jeff

Becca and Jonathan

Holly (Great) and Troy (Uncle Troy)

Jarrod and his Grand Keepsakes blog!


Josh and Jax

Mom (Nana, Mamie) and Dad (Paw Paw, Poppy)

Mama (Maw, Gigi) and Daddy (Paw, Gida)

Alf (Paw Paw) got a new razor!

Poppy got a new kitten!
Christmas was an extended holiday this year. Our usual Christmas breakfast was held on Christmas Eve morning with our whole family, except sweet Blair (she had to work), Alf's and my parents, and Holly and Troy enjoying a delicious Christmas brunch. We had a lot of fun opening presents afterward and enjoyed watching the children most of all! The Tuesday following Christmas we celebrated with Alf's family. After a traditional Christmas dinner, we all gathered and opened presents with Amanda and Jeff, Rachel and Rhett, Becca and Jonathan, and Aunt Jeanette.

We celebrated my family's Christmas the week before Christmas as Steve and Vicki came for an early celebration. Jerry and Gail joined us as well! Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of that event but we all had a great time and delicious food!

Alf and I spent Christmas afternoon at Aunt Nellie's with Aunt Nellie, Mom and Dad, Holly and Troy, and Robin and Amy.

As you can see, we had a great time celebrating with those we love and enjoying that special time together that holidays inspire. We are so thankful that this is a time when so many stop and take time to think about God's greatest gift to us, His precious Son, Jesus.

Christmas 2010 in pictures.

Ashlyn, Noah, Jax, and Grey

Grandma's grand bag.

Jax's Mario blanket!

Noah's caboodle!

Ashlyn's craft kit1

Legoes for Grey and Daddy?