Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
Proverbs 3:4-5

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Fun and Softball

Hard earned third place for Lady Raiders! Yeah, Noah!
Though temperatures are rising, it was a breezy day so we spent some time at the pond riding the paddle boat. The girls were several years younger when we took them on paddle boat rides and the boys had never had the experience. We remembered when the girls wanted to peddle but their feet wouldn't reach, as is the case with the boys now, but our girls were able to give Paw Paw a ride. How they are growing! What fun!

We spent the evening watching Noah play softball in a tournament in Winchester. Her team played three games this afternoon with only an hour break for dinner. They won two games and lost their last one 10 - 9. They finished third in the tournament. Not a bad showing from our Lynchburg Lady Raiders! Our Noah did her part in the team effort and we are so proud! It was great to see her enthusiasm and smiling face on the field! She hits the ball like a champ! Her Mama, Grey, Gigi, Gida, Paw Paw and I were so glad to witness this exciting event. Way to go, Noah!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ashlyn, Jax and their Dad

Mom's Birthday and Father's Day

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Alf and his Dad

Holly, Gail, and Robin and our Dad!

Jarrod and Josh and their Dad!

Noah and Grey and their Dad!

Paw (Gida) and some of his grands and greats, Josh, Grey, Amy, and Noah!
We celebrated my Mom-in-love's birthday May 31st at Cracker Barrel but I forgot my camera. Got a recent picture so wanted to remember this loving, precious lady who blesses our lives sooo much. Love you, Mom!

Sunday was a great Father's Day! We celebrated by sharing a meal at our house. We had a great turn out. Those enjoying time together were my Dad (Paw, Gida) and Mama (Maw, Gigi), Holly and Troy, Jarrod, Blair, Noah, and Grey, Robin and Amy, Josh, Alf and me. Josh's family was in Huntsville at a gymnastics camp. Troy and Holly were with Brandon the day before and we took Alf's dad our to lunch the day before as well. How blessed we are to have such loving, honorable men in our lives! We are so thankful for each and every one. Love and blessings!

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Memorable Memorial Day!

Memorial Day, a day for remembering all those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom! My wonderful husband, looking so handsome in his uniform, was the speaker for the celebration in Winchester. His Mom, Dad, and Aunt Jeanette joined us for the occasion. Alf did an outstanding job, so outstanding that he has been invited back to speak next year! Great job, honey! Love that man!

This afternoon, we went to the Cowan house where my Mama was raised to share good food and great fellowship with wonderful family and friends. Holly, Troy, Mama (Gigi) and Daddy (Gida), Aunt Nellie, Josh, Jen, Ashlyn and Jax, Amy, and friend Lindsey, Alf and I had a wonderful time eating, visiting, and playing. So thankful for the opportunity to get together with special people in a special place on a special day! How blessed we all are!

Alf, his Dad, and my Dad are veterans and we are so thankful for these special men. We also hold in thought and prayer, our Brandon, who is presently serving in the Air Force. You guys are loved and appreciated so much!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Josh!

Birthday Boy!

Josh and his beautiful family!

Jarrod's beautiful family!
Thirty-six years ago today our Josh was born. He came to us on the wings of a prayer and we are so thankful that he is our son. It has been fun watching him grow from a boy into a man, husband, and daddy! Among Josh's many admirable qualities are his loving and thoughtful nature. How fortunate we feel to have both of our sons and their families live close! To be our grandchildren's babysitters has been and continues to be a delight! We celebrated this great occasion at Applebee's with wonderful company and delicious food! We pray for many more happy birthdays for you, Son! Love you so, so much!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Right Stuff!

Our precious Noah is finishing third grade this year and has had an outstanding year! She has 131+ accelerated reader points (in other words she has read a LOT of books and passed tests on comprehension.) She also received the "Right Stuff" award for her class which means she has excelled exceptionally in every way! So proud of you, Sweet Pea, and love you so!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Way to go, Ashlyn!

Today was the final awards program for Ashlyn's school. Ashlyn finishes second grade this year. Each month a student is named "Good Citizen" which means that student is cooperative, helpful and gets along wonderfully with teachers and classmates. The "Good Citizen of the Year" is the student that has displayed these qualities throughout the school year for her class. Ashlyn has received this award for all three years that she has been at Bel-Aire Elementary. What a grand honor for an extra special young lady! We are all so proud of you, Ashlyn! Love you!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Playing Catch Up- AGAIN!!!!

Mother's Day with my sweet boys!

Blair, mom of Grey and Noah!

Alf and his mom!

Happy Lipscomb grad! Yeah, Rachel!

Grey's birthday party at the park!

Blair and her beautiful family.

Happy Birthday, Blair!

Noah and Grey's Easter finery!

Noah's Easter frock. Lovely!

Jax and Ashlyn looking handsome and lovely!

Ashlyn, the awesome egg hunter!

Noah, the terrific egg decorator!

Paw Paw enjoying the decorating!

Jax helped decorate the Easter tree!

Happy 62nd Anniversary Mama and Daddy!

Great, adding fun to egg decorating day!
I never cease to amaze myself at how challenged I am when using technology. Though my pictures are out of order, I think I have covered our special events for April and May.

We celebrated Mama and Daddy's anniversary April 3rd with a special dinner. Wow, how fortunate we are to have such awesome parents that model the meaning of commitment before us! Hope we can live up to their great example! Love you so much!

Easter was so much fun! We celebrated with coloring eggs, ( Noah, Grey, Paw Paw and Great got in on that action)! We had our church Easter egg hunt at our house and delighted in attending our Easter worship service where we celebrated that our Lord is alive indeed!

We celebrated our Blair's birthday on April 14th. Her positive attitude and happy disposition is such a blessing to us and her family. You bless our lives every day and we love you!

Rachel graduated from David Lipscomb on May 5th. She has been accepted to Belmont Law School with a full scholarship. We are so proud of you and know you will excel in whatever you do! Love and blessings!

We celebrated Grey's birthday at the local park May12th. We had a lot of fun celebrating our precious Grey! Hugs and kisses, sweetheart!

Mother's Day was celebrated at our place this year. We enjoyed having Josh and Jax, Jarrod, Blair, Noah and Grey join us for barbecue. Jen celebrated with her Mom, sister Julie and Ashlyn with a girl's weekend away in Gatlinburg. Alf and I celebrated with his Mom the day before with a KFC luncheon. My mama was at the hospital with daddy so we had to celebrate over the phone. Her best gift was getting him back home that day in good health. We have some terrific Moms in our family and have been so blessed through them! We have learned what selfless love is all about from them!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Grey! Congrats Pre K Grads!

Happy Birthday, Grey! What a sweetheart!

Grey, pre k graduate!

Jax, pre k graduate!

Proud Poppy and Mamie

Proud Amy, Gigi and Gida

Proud sisters, Ashlyn and Noah
Today was a big, big day! It was the day, five years ago, that our precious, loving Grey was born. What a sweet gift he is to all of his family. At his school birthday party today, he said, "These are my favorite cupcakes! This is a great hat! I like everything about my party!" Talk about a positive attitude!!!! Love you, sweetheart!

Tonight Jax and Grey graduated from preschool! They both did an awesome job in our program and enjoyed the attention of all the family members present! Along with their folks and sisters, Gigi, Gida, Amy, Poppy, Mamie, Ghee, Pa and Zane were present. So sorry Great was home sick but she sent her camera so we could record the festivities. We are all so thankful for these two darlings! Can't believe it will be on to kindergarten in the fall! What a blessing you are to all of us who love you!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Celebrating Ashlyn! Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!

Daddy, Mommy, Ashlyn, and Jax

Amy, Gigi, Great, and Gida

Mamie and Poppy

Paw Paw and Grandma



Grey and Jax

Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea!
I am so behind on posting our family events but I couldn't go to bed without acknowledging this very, very special day! Eight years ago today, we welcomed our second grand child into this world. It was a joyous day and that has been true of each day of Ashlyn's life. She is caring, loving, family oriented, smart, talented, atheletic (she is becoming a terrific gymnast) and has blessed the lives of family and friends. Ashlyn, you are loved by so many and it was our delight to celebrate your special day with you! May you have many, many more happy birthdays. Love, hugs, kisses, and blessings to you always.

I will be posting our other April happenings soon. Family celebrations are the best!