Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
Proverbs 3:4-5

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Saying Goodbye to November

Our Thanksgiving meal hosts.

Lazy Sunday hot tub party!

Happy Birthday, Jen!
November has certainly been a month of thanksgiving! We had two wonderful Thanksgiving meals. The first, Alf and I attended, was with the Rogers family at Lloyd's house on Thanksgiving evening. It was great to get together with such a large crowd and share food and fellowship. The second meal was hosted by Nana (Mamie) and Paw Paw (Poppy) at their house. I contributed the turkey and dressing and we ate an awesome meal with Alf's folks, Josh, Jen, Ashlyn and Jax, Jarrod, Blair, Noah and Grey and Aunt Jeanette. We are so blessed to have so many close family relationships. Don't know how folks manage without family and we are so thankful for every person that makes up a part of our family!

We had the pleasure of having our grands over for a play date the Sunday following Thanksgiving. We played games, ate cookies, and watched a Christmas movie. I think their favorite activity was playing in the hot tub. What a fun day!

We took Jen, Josh, Ashlyn and Jax out to Cracker Barrel to celebrate Jen's birthday. Jen is such a precious member of our family. She certainly has been the answer to the prayer I prayed for a loving wife for Josh. She is such a wonderful wife and mother, as well as, our treasured daughter. You are precious to us, Jen, and we hope you have many more happy birthdays! Love you!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Great Performance!

Thursday evening, our preschool performed their first program of the year. We did a Thanksgiving program this year with songs for the whole group and and a reenactment of the first Thanksgiving by our pre-k class. The whole school did an outstanding job. Of course , I thought our own little pilgrim and indian were shining stars!  Outstanding job, Jax and Grey! Your whole family is so proud of you! Love you so much!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ashlyn's Gymnastics Meet

Ashlyn had a gymnastics meet this afternoon and she performed with confidence and grace. She was rewarded with placing first for her floor routine, her bar rountine, and her balance beam routine, and second for vault. She received a trophy for best all around. She has been working so hard at practice and it really paid off. I am so thankful that she has been blessed with a healthy body and a positive attitude that allows her to excel. Congratulations, Ashlyn, great job! Love you so much, Sweet Pea!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Veteran's Day and Thankfulness

For the last several years, since Ashlyn has been attending Belaire Elementary, we have attended their annual Veteran's Day program. The music teacher is excellent and instills strong feelings of patriotism in all the children. The songs they sing are filled with those emotions that patriotism inspires and all the children do a great job! I am so thankful for the staff at the school and their dedication to instilling positive values in the children. Ashlyn performed beautifully!

The children and I created thankful banners for their parents using their hands as feathers. I think they turned out well and the children enjoyed doing it. They added their names, in their own handwriting, and the date to complete the project. Thanksgiving may be a day set aside in November but, for my family, thanksgiving is a part of every day. God is good and blessings are plentiful!