Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
Proverbs 3:4-5

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Mario (Jax) and Godmother (Ashlyn)

Pocohontas (Noah) Devil (Grey)
Well, it is Halloween and our grands are celebrating in various neighborhoods with friends. They had a trial run last night at church with our "Trunk or Treat". They made the cutest spooks on earth and we enjoyed watching them have fun!

Monday, October 24, 2011

October Happenings!

Happy Birthday, Robin1

Happy Birthday, Alf (Paw Paw)

Handsome and Beautiful Sunflowers!

Fun for Noah and Grey with Daddy, Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jeff

Looks like Noah is gaining on them!

Grey is in the lead?
Though Robin  had a September birthday, it was early in October before we got together to celebrate. Mom fixed a delicious Sunday lunch with birthday cake for dessert. Yum!

Alf celebrated his birthday at Amanda and Jeff's house. We had a quiet day with Amanda, Jeff, Jonathan, Alf's folks, Aunt Jeanette, Eric and Ginger. We had our choice of taco soup or chili and both were delicious! Alf got two pairs of new boots and left wearing a new pair! I think he liked his gift! He is such a gift to all of us, checking on and doing for everyone without complaint. He blesses my life every day and I feel so fortunate to share my life with him. Happy Birthday, Honey!

Noah and Grey made a trip to Grandaddy's Farm with Paw Paw, Daddy, Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jeff. What a fun way to wind up fall break week! The activities offered at this place seem endless and everyone appeared to have an awesome time!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Catching up!

Happy Birthday Eric and Becca!

Jax is bushhogging!

Ashlyn earns Principal's Award and Character Award!

Halloween's a comin!

An eye popping experience!
We have had a lot going in September but I just got lazy and didn't post. Thanks to Holly for posting our sweet boys in the hammock.

Our first event was Eric and Becca's birthdays which we celebrated at Cracker Barrel. About mid September, Becca left the country for a semester in Austria. I think she is touring Italy this weekend and next week. What an awesome experience she is having!. We miss her but know she will have a lot of experiences to share when she returns.

We were excited to share Eric's birthday. He has been having some health issues for a while and spent the last week at the Mayo Clinic in Florida. They think they know what the problem is and a regimen of various vitamins should help him regain a grip on a healthy life. We are so thankful he finally has some answers and look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with him.

Now that fall has arrived, my sweet husband has been doing some bushhoggining. He had some expert help on Wednesday last week as Jax bushhogged the garden for us. Way to go, Jax!

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend awards day at Ashlyn's school. She won the Principal's Award, which is the highest honor given as the student must excel academically and be a role model for others. She also won the Character Award which honors a student with positive character attributes. How proud we are of Ashlyn! She is not only a beautiful young lady on the outside but is beautiful on the inside as well!

Though Noah did not have an award ceremony, she made the distinction of making all As on her report card! She is a beautiful, shining star in her school, too! Third grade can be tough but she is doing a great job with her assignments! We're so proud of you, sweet pea! 
Both of our girls bless our lives so much!

Ashlyn was trying out some new looks for Halloween just to get us in the mood! What do you think?